"I work in the technical side of health care, and I registered in The Chang School's Health Informatics program to help keep my skills relevant and open doors for future opportunities. I am just completing my first course and to my surprise, I still have great work-life balance and actually enjoy my weekly assignments. I had some fears about the differences between online courses and the traditional in-class model, but the instructors have been superb and very supportive. I also enjoy collaborating and interacting with fellow health care professionals. It provides opportunities to see what others in the field are doing, and has even given me ideas on how I can effect change in my own workplace."
Daniel S.
Health Informatics
"The Publishing program expanded my industry insights and introduced me to friends and colleagues who share my passion for books and editing. My academic coordinator and instructors were invaluable contacts who encouraged my involvement in networking events. My Random House of Canada production internship and Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) publishing mentorship were incredible experiences that allowed me to develop my skills and explore multiple career paths. At the AGO, I connected with a variety of departments which renewed my academic interest in art history and led to a second internship. I would not have earned this position without the contacts I made at The Chang School and the confidence this program provided."
Simone W.
Winner, Stephen J. Mills Mentorship Award
"I learned about The Chang School through the Project Management Institute (PMI). Ryerson seemed to have the most comprehensive program and delivery options for completing formal project management study. Last summer, I enrolled in the Project Management Bootcamp (CKPM 999), which allowed me not only to gain six of the eight required certificate courses in 14 weeks, but also to ensure I was prepared to write the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. My studies have given me better insight into optimizing the project schedule, resources, and any challenges that arise. In just one year, I completed my Certificate in Project Management, and I now have my PMP credential."
Dolly G.
Project Management
"When I first read about food security, I had a light bulb moment and realized this is my calling so I enrolled in the Certificate in Food Security at Ryerson. Previously, in 2008, I travelled to South Africa to volunteer my time in a food insecure community. In Thembalethu, I forged a partnership with a local man, Gcinisizwe Noyakaza, to improve food security, housing, agriculture and access to education, and plant fruit trees to improve access to nutritious food. In the same year, I founded an organization, The Themba Development Project Association, a Canadian registered charity, which benefits from both the practical, hands-on techniques and theory I learned at The Chang School."
Catherine R.
Food Security
"I graduated with a Bachelor of Environmental Studies in Geography, and after talking to people in the industry I realized I needed more specific education to pursue a career in GIS. The two GIS certificates Ive completed at The Chang School gave me a broad overview of the industry and in-depth knowledge about industry-specific topics. Since taking these specialized programs, Ive found myself in meetings where a new issue came up and I was able to refer back to what I learned to move things along and solve client problems. Im the head of our GIS team now, and Im recognized as a specialist people can turn to when they have questions."
Cameron H.
Applied Digital Geography and GIS